
Unlocking leadership, healing the world

Design System
Visual Identity
Web Design
Web development

New ideas founded in research, made human and accessible.

Unlocking Eve is a bold and transformative foundation, focused on driving a new model of integrated leadership for a balanced and healthier world. Their leadership revolution is grounded is research and informed by human experience. Two years into their venture they had created a notable impact in leadership spheres. They were ready to rebrand and update their online presence to fully capture their bold, transformative energy.

After an audit of their existing branding we freshened up their two-tone colour palette and expanded it to include a vibrant secondary colour palette. The colours combine well to create the charts and infographics needed to visually express their research and ideas.

The new logo is constructed from simple shapes and clean lines. The overlapping circles speak to the concept of integrated leadership and the golden-yellow key, connecting the two words, is used as a recognisable brand asset across all media.

Geometric shapes combine with a flowing line in the extended visual identity. The shapes represent the scientific data and research behind their leadership approach, and the organic line is the human connection that flows through all of their work. This visual concept was extended to a series of research report covers, infographics and a library of icons.

The organic line and geometric shapes are used creatively throughout the website design, expressing the essence of their brand. Animation adds further meaning to the bold illustrations and brings the design to life.

For the live website experience visit www.unlockingeve.org

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Scientific research balanced by human connection is expressed in the design through the combination of geometric shape and organic line.

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The graphic illustration style compliments the simple geometry of the logo visually and conceptually.